Audrey Is One | Mama + Baby 

November 9, 2016

My baby, Audrey, is one today. To be honest, it feels like I was JUST in the hospital with her, JUST bringing her home, JUST putting her to sleep in the bassinet. JUST writing this birth story! But, alas, it was one whole year ago today she came into our lives.

Audrey is one!

Audrey is one!

Our Audrey is a ray of sunshine. Truly funny, she already has such a cheeky sense of humour and a playful, spontaneous attitude. She can quickly go from crying to happy when her big sister appears. She loves food – all types, except avocado. Her favourite is eggs of any description. She loves music, books, playgrounds, water play, soft toys and musical instruments. And, I’ve never seen a more determined child in my life! If she wants it, she’ll work out a way to have it.

We call her Auds, Auddie or I sometimes on a whim call her Audrina (LOL). She took her first steps on 25 October, and by the following Wednesday she was confidently walking around the house.

The relationship between our two girls is amazing. Hannah is a great big sister, and honestly the whole ‘sharing’ thing has gone a lot better than I ever thought it would. Hannah is very caring towards Audrey – kissing her, cuddling her and ensuring she has enough to eat and drink. Audrey just loves her big sister and the mere mention of the name ‘Hannah’ makes Audrey smile. It’s so adorable, and to be honest this sort of relationship is the reason we had a second child soon after Hannah.

Audrey and Hannah

Audrey and Hannah

I’m not going to lie, I do feel sad that the ‘baby’ stage is over. Audrey is entering toddlerhood – she started walking two weeks ago, she talks (well, in her own language), dislikes being carried as much and she is needing me less and less. And the baby smell has long disappeared.

But on the other side of the coin, this year has been one of the most difficult, if not THE most difficult year of my life. I have not found two children easy. It has not been a walk in the park. Some days the hubby and I feel more like flat mates than husband and wife. I have slept one full nights’ sleep since mid 2013! Audrey still wakes every night multiple times, and is an enthusiastic breastfeeder, which I now realise Hannah was not. Co-sleeping has been my saviour!

At least someone laughs at my jokes...

At least someone laughs at my jokes…

I’ve found the combination of toddler tantrums and a teething baby to be a nightmare, some days. Some days I would put Audrey down to sleep, only to have her woken up by Hannah minutes later. Some days the thought of waking up in the morning and being ‘On’ all day – is just so much to handle, and some days I haven’t handled it well, I’ll be honest.

However it’s the combination of Hannah’s empathy and Audrey’s playfulness that makes me smile each day. It’s the funny moments shared between them that I know will only grow as they get older, together. One of their favourite things to do together is push each around on either the trike or the ‘Thomas’ ride on. It’s hilarious and so cute.

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I’m sure there will be a time when they can’t stand me – or I’ll be annoying, or embarrassing – but for now I remind myself that most days they just want to be with me.



Audrey, from day one, was a delight. She definitely has her moments, but she still makes us smile, and laugh, every single day. We love her so much. Happy birthday my baby girl. Xx

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  • Kenzie

    Happy Birthday to Audrey! And congrats on surviving the year with TWO children! My daughter turned 1 two weeks ago and I am finding just one child difficult at times. Take it easy Mumma, you are doing great!

    November 9, 2016 at 7:48 am Reply
    • Jasmine

      Thank you so much Kenzie. Happy birthday to your daughter also!! Xx

      November 9, 2016 at 12:26 pm Reply
  • Lisa H

    Great read and beautiful pictures, Happy Birthday beautiful Audrey and well done Mum on raising two amazing girls whilst keeping us all looking fashionable! I don’t know how you do it xxx

    November 9, 2016 at 11:31 am Reply
    • Jasmine

      Aww thank you Lisa! Xxx

      November 9, 2016 at 12:25 pm Reply

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