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  • Week 2: Frocktober 2020

    Two weeks have passed in Frocktober 2020! Every year I swear it goes faster and faster, or maybe that’s just because I am getting older?!…

    October 15, 2020
  • week 1 frocktober 2020

    Week 1: Frocktober 2020

    Week 1 of Frocktober 2020 is now done! Seven days of dresses down. Thank you for the support, so far my tally is now at…

    October 8, 2020
  • Frocktober 2020 is here!

    Frocktober is here again!  This will be my eighth year taking part in Frocktober, raising funds for the OCRF (Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation).  You can…

    September 30, 2020
  • Frocktober 2016 | Frocktober Week Four

    Can you help? Every dollar counts in the fight against ovarian cancer. Please click here to DONATE to the OCRF and sponsor my Frocktober efforts in 2016….

    October 30, 2016
  • Frocktober 2015 Finale

    Well that’s it for another year! I’ve successfully worn a different dress every day for 31 days and with your help I’ve raised $548 for…

    October 30, 2015