
Winter Floral Dress | What I’m Wearing

June 9, 2016

Today was an unseasonly warm day with a top of 27 degrees, so I took the chance to pop on this gorgeous new wrap dress from St Frock. A beautiful rich navy, this a winter floral dress is perfect. I think it would look amazing with some heels, however I dressed it down with a boho vibe by pairing it with some espadrilles and a tassel saddle bag.

It’s a true wrap dress which makes nursing easy and I also think it would be great for early pregnancy too.

And by the way, Audrey is 7 months old today… Where does the time go?!


(Gifted) St Frock Remember Me Wrap dress in navy and white AUD$55.92 (on sale) {I’m wearing the size 10 and I am 158cm tall}
(Gifted) Rubi saddle bag AUD$29.95
Misano Donna espadrilles, not currently online.

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